Sponsorships & Donations
From the moment I decided to commit to my wild dream of planning a retreat with widows at Disneyland, things have been slowly falling into place. So many small events that I personally would call miracles have occured. I have been led to many great people that have been willing to take time out of their day to teach or help me in areas such as building a website, editing documents, offering ideas and advise, offering to sponsor a widow that may not be able to afford to go without assistance, and so many more things! It's been incredible to watch and have a part in seeing this come together.
Donations and Sponsors are going to play a large role in making this event extra special. There are a few ways businesses or individuals can donate.
Monetary Donations – Help reduce overall cost of event to benefit all woman attending.
Goods Donation – An item to be placed in the swag bags (30+ bags).
Service Donation – Such as trainings, therapies, massage, online courses, etc.
Item Donation – Single item(s) to be used for giveaways while at the retreat.
Sponsoring a woman who may or may not be able to attend the retreat without financial assistance.
Approximate retail value of a donation or the cost to sponsor will determine the sponsorship benefits that are earned. Click here to see sponsorship levels.
If you own a business and are interested in donating or have a business in mind that may potentially be interested in supporting this event, please message GHF Sisterhood at ghfsisterhood@gmail.com. Also, checkout our website for more information! ghfsisterhood.com
If you feel inspired to do a personal donation, you can do so through Venmo at @ghfsisterhood or contact GHF Sisterhood directly for other options at ghfsisterhood@gmail.com.