About Us


Hailey Brown - Founder

As a result of her husband’s death in 2016, eight-months-pregnant Hailey left her job, friends, and new home in Texas with her two-year-old daughter to return to Idaho. It was heartbreaking, but having unconditional support from family and friends after her great loss was priceless.

Since Hailey’s first husband was part of law enforcement, she has also been blessed with the powerful support they provide. Even though she is no longer a resident of the state of Texas, the support from her Texas police family continues to assist her through her grief journey.

After hearing about a local monthly widows group, Hailey gathered her courage and attended her first meeting. The support she felt from this special group added to her strength. Through this group and through the support of other widows who reached out to her, friendships grew. These friendships supported Hailey throuh single parenthood of two toddlers, entering the dating scene once again, and working toward blending two families who have each experienced the loss of a parent.

After experiencing such wonderful and powerful support from so many groups, Hailey’s desire to help other widows experience that same support has grown. Through organizing retreats for those who have experienced traumatic loss, Hailey hopes to provide a family of support and love that will be there throughout the grief journey—Because No Widow Should Walk the Grief Journey Alone.

Find Hailey on Instagram at @meetyouatdisney and @ghfsisterhood.

Candice Rivera - Guest Speaker

Candace has been a successful leader in Healthcare and Business Development and is an accomplished International Medical Advocate for trafficked humans and orphans in crisis. Candace holds a seat in the UN Collaborative Taskforce, with a special interest in refugee and exploitation care, and frequently collaborates in the Middle East and the Mediterranean.

She has successfully created spaces for those seeking more, developing young women and mothers, business leaders, and Fortune 500 Companies; as well as was honored as Wasatch Women's Up & Coming Woman of the Year, the 100 Women Who Care 2021 Impact Award Winner and is currently the co-anchor for KUTV Channel 2 Trafficking in Utah Series. Candace is the CEO and Founder of 3 multi-million dollar companies, and Brand House Owner of CR House & Co Brands.

While her passion and joy can be found in her brand, her largest is found within being the CEO and Founder of Exitus, an anti-human trafficking Non-profit with a multi-million dollar foundation. With humor and grace, Candace recounts lessons learned through infancy loss, cancer, and betrayal in divorce. She is a friendly face and fierce advocate for the hurting and broken-hearted.

Ashlee Boyson - Guest Speaker

Ashlee Boyson is the founder of A Reason to Stand (a non profit devoted to supporting trauma victims). She is the author of the blog and book series entitled The Moments We Stand.  In them she tells of her personal journey of healing and seeking peace after the murder of her husband Emmett. 

On March 11, 2011 Emmett was shot and killed in a Walgreens parking lot in Meridian by the husband of a secret mistress. Ashlee was made a widow at the age of 28 with 5 children—the youngest being just seven weeks old.

Her husband’s death left her with many messes to clean up—the hardest being her own broken soul as well as five others. She spent hours with detectives, Emmett’s business, a month long murder trial, and therapists . . . trying to piece together the broken pieces of the past. None of which helped her feel whole.

Through her trials she has learned the importance of a personal relationship with her Heavenly Father. She has witnessed many miracles through the devastation of so much heartache. She has found light in the darkest of moments—and she has found hope when she thought it was lost. It is through Christ that true healing has come.

Ashlee’s story is very unique. As she has learned to embrace it, she has gained a greater testimony of hope and the strength it can be in her story.  She has come to find that the grace of Christ is powerful—not only in sin—but also in forgiveness and carrying you through some of your darkest moments.  She has felt the embrace of angels through every obstacle. The tender mercies have given her hope to stand tall and write a new story. 

Ashlee believes that every day is a gift—and in each one, she has learned to stand. 

Ashlee is married to Scott Boyson and they and their now seven kids live in Idaho where they have learned to work hard, play hard, and make the most of every moment. 

Ashlee continues to write, and share her story, but even more than the story of the past, Ashlee is enjoying teaching about hope for the future, helping others remember Christ’s role in their life and apply grace to their story.

You can follow Ashlee on Facebook, Instagram, and on her blog. And you can find her book, The Moments We Stand: Silence Breaks: Book 1 on Amazon.

Charlene Paul - Guest Speaker

​At age 15, Charlene looked at her grandad’s hands and realized they held the stories of his life. Born into a long line of storytellers whose stories were in endless supply, she was determined to continue their legacy. From their stories, she learned about the sturdy pioneer stock she came from. She learned her great-grandpa was a dreamer who knew better times were to be found just beyond the next bend in the road. She learned that her dad’s family prided itself on its three-holed outhouse.

​She was bitten by the storytelling bug and has been ready with a story or three ever since. Those who know her well will tell you her gift of gab is both appealing and entertaining—and is in endless supply.

 At age 28, Charlene learned that her husband and his best friend had been killed in a one-car rollover. Left with a three-year-old son and a one-year-old baby, she had to learn to ​live life as a young widow and single mother. She gained strength and direction as others shared their stories of loss, grief, and pain. She made a deal with God that if He would help her through her trial, she would never shy away from helping others on their grief journeys.

 Charlene’s gift for writing and speaking has inspired thousands as she shares stories of personal triumph, heartache, loss, joy, and encouragement. She motivates others to believe in themselves and in their abilities to turn toward light and goodness.

 She is a believer in setting goals and then taking steps toward accomplishing them. Charlene is a recent graduate of Southern New Hampshire University, proving that 43 years isn’t an unreasonable amount of time to earn a college degree.

​When she isn’t writing or speaking, she can be found with some of her thirteen grandkids reading a favorite story, singing a ridiculously goofy made-up song, baking specialty cupcakes, or simply listening to their adventures, ideas, and exploits. She loves old houses, rainbows, roses, singing, directing a choir, and playing the piano, organ, and guitar. She explains that she has rhythm, but somewhere between her brain and her feet, there is a disconnect. Her favorite activity is spending time with her husband walking, hiking, riding in the car, taking in a sunset, or whatever else they may choose to do. And talking—lots and lots of talking.

Julie Hawkes - Guest Speaker

Sitting on the hearth of her stone fireplace, Julie watched through tears as a family friend handled the games, presents, and laughter at her own daughter's seventh birthday party. Her heart was heavy after the recent loss of her 23-year-old brother in a boating accident, leaving his wife, who was six months pregnant with their first child. On top of that, her family faced serious financial difficulties. 

She began to question God's love for her. If He really did love her, why hadn't he saved her brother? Why wouldn't He show her how to make ends meet to provide for her family? Why were so many hard things happening all at once?


With the passing of each day, Julie's worries grew until they turned into debilitating, crushing anxiety. She couldn't be left alone. She needed help to care for her four children, ages nine, seven, five, and two. Her family and friends grew more and more concerned.


"Julie," her mom said one afternoon. "You have to get better. Your children need you."


Julie knew she was right. She wanted to get better. She wanted to take care of her precious children. She wanted to be happy. But her mind was in such a tangled mess of confusion she didn't know how, and she knew she couldn't do it on her own. So she turned to a doctor and a counselor for help.


Julie was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and was prescribed medication. Within weeks, her anxiety began to stabilize. Her counselor listened and offered advice to help her move forward.  



Slowly, she was able to resume her mom duties and care for her children and her household. Her husband found a good job, and they were able to balance their books. 


But she still struggled emotionally. She was in a constant state of worry that threatened her recovery, so she began an intensive 17-year study of anxiety. She researched the causes and effects of anxiety, and she sought out solutions. During her journey, she learned–sometimes by trial and error–what worked for her and what did not. She found tools that helped her change her way of thinking. She changed the way she saw herself. Finally, she found peace and confidence.


If you ask her, Julie will tell you she is a different person today than she was that day she sat on the hearth of her stone fireplace, watching everyone laughing and enjoying her daughter's seventh birthday party. Today, she is happy, healthy, and rarely feels anxiety–even though she still eats sugar. She has three more children, she is a grandma, and she owns and runs a business.


Julie did not walk her journey to wellness alone, and she is grateful for all of the help she received along the way. She is passionate about helping others through their pain so they won't have to suffer as she did. She knows what works and what doesn't work. It is her mission to teach others to reconnect, love themselves, and stop worrying. Seeing others get unstuck as they develop healthy relationships and reach their goals makes her happy. Helping them find peace and joy fills her heart.

Find Julie on Instagram at @julie_hawkes, on Facebook at Life Balance, and on her personal website Juliehawkes.com.

Nicole Klingler - Centered (Movement Therapy) + Photography

Nicole Klingler is joining us from Rigby Idaho. She is a wife & mother of four. She is a creative entrepreneur who wears many hats. She has been a dance and fitness educator for seventeen years and a professional photographer for twelve. She is the co-founder and director of The Dance Collaborative & the owner and CEO of event center spaces in Rigby called 'The Venue' and 'The Venue Studios.'

Nicole has combined years of training and teaching as a dance/fitness educator and wellness coach with her faith and life experiences to create her 'CENTERED' workshops and classes. The 'CENTERED' experience is designed to help specific audiences center their lives on lasting truths through movement therapy. These restorative movements combine mild stretching, activating movements, breath and thought work with inspirational music and healing prompts and tools. The goal of every 'CENTERED' class is to help class members clear debris from the body, mind and spirit to make room for the Spirit of Christ. A life centered on Jesus Christ, the Master Healer, is a life of healing, peace, growth and refinement. 

Find Nicole on Instagram at @nicole.klingler and on her personal website www.nicoleklingler.com.